At TDL we have been manufacturing removable prosthetics for nearly 30 years. We specialise in, but are not limited to acrylic, Cobalt Chrome and flexible dentures.
Acrylic dentures are a good solution to tooth loss. We can provide both NHS and private dentures. We use a variety of acrylics and denture teeth to suit every case. We can provide a natural looking denture with staining and realistic gingiva using composites helping to recreate nature, as well as pigmented acrylic to match your patient’s natural gingiva shade.
Flexible dentures, in certain cases work very well. They can be manufactured to be very small and easy for patients to cope with. They work very well for bounded saddle cases and are extremely retentive utilising undercuts with wings on the denture.
Cobalt Chrome dentures are the ultimate prosthesis solution for tooth loss. They are retentive using clasping around the existing teeth for support. This means the denture is gingivally free and is tooth-borne so not promoting gum recession. We like to work closely with the clinician to design our cobalt chrome dentures to achieve the best possible outcome in every case.
We can offer high impact acrylics which give the denture extra resilience against biting forces and resilient (Soft) linings which work great for full lower cases to assist patient comfort.
If you would like to discuss any cases, please feel free to contact us and we can work together to ensure the best outcome for your patient.
At TDL we can manufacture a variety of pressure formed appliances to suit your patients needs. We use the best materials available for all appliances and each come with a complimentary case.
- Nightguards - For bruxism. 1-3mm soft material.
- Retainers - For post orthodontic treatment to maintain tooth positioning. 1mm hard material.
- Dual-Laminate - For heavy bruxism. Soft, comfortable fitting surface, hard outer surface for resilience. 2- 3mm thick.
- Bleaching Trays. With or without reservoirs. 1.5mm soft material.
If you have any cases or queries you’d like to discuss, please feel free to contact us.